Presenting Your Documents With Video

Do you want to clarify a report or a product overview for your co-workers or clients?

Why not go for something original and entertaining like a video?

You can present your documents with video by using the cloudtool Movenote, complete with images and sound. I’ve tested its possibilities for you.

Movenote  promises you “presentations with emotions”. This free cloudtool lets you clarify images and PDF files by using your microphone and webcam.

Movenote combines this into an online presentation with the annotated files on one side and your video on the other side. We’ll explain in a few steps how Movenote works. Movenote documents with video

This is how it goes:

Step 1: Registering and Installing

After you’ve registered yourself, you’ll immediately get to see a short tutorial. It’s best that you watch this.

You’ll end up in the recording interface by clicking on continue. Here, you’ll have to confirm that you allow Movenote and your browser to access your microphone and webcam. If you did everything correctly, you’ll now be able to see yourself on the screen.

You can change the sound volume with the wheel icon.

Step 2: Uploading Files

The next thing you’ll do is uploading the files from your computer which you want to clarify. You do this by clicking the Add slides­ button.

Watch out! Movenote only accepts the following formats: .PDF, .JPG and .PNG. So if you want to add a Word document or an Excel chart, it’s best that you convert it into a PDF file.

Tip: It is possible to import an existing Powerpoint slideshow. Best is that you use the old PPT format instead of the newer PPTX format.

The uploaded files are converted into separate slides afterwards. You can use the toolbar to change their order ( Re-order ) or you can remove unnecessary slides.

Step 3: Recording

Click on the Record­ button. During the recording, you can select the slides one by one (by using the toolbar at the top) and annotate. You can pause the recording or start all over again when needed.

Step 4: Saving and Watching

It’s rather unfortunate that the save and preview function use the same button.

This way, the presentation is immediately saved. Luckily, you can remove it again when you’re not pleased with the result.

However, it is convenient that you can adjust the slides that are shown by using that same wheel icon (Edit slides). It’s also possible to change the background and to add a clickable link (e.g. directing to your website) at the end of your presentation.

Step 5: Publishing

When you’re entirely satisfied with your result, you can retrieve an embed code to integrate the result into your website.

Your presentation also receives a unique URL which you can share with your customers, coworkers,… It should also be possible to download your presentation in video format, but this didn’t work like it should when I tried it.

For your information: your presentations remain accessible at any time in your personal Archive.

Also read my article on this subject: Combine Powerpoint with video

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Rebekka Deforce



About the author
Rebekka Deforce is the owner of Working over 18 years in the audiovisual sector and developed a great passion for internet marketing, she now helps on- and offline businesses to get magnificent conversion results through video marketing and social media marketing. She also loves to help people with the technical aspect of the video production process.
Joe Seattleton

Joe Seattleton

on 19 Jul 2018

Yes this about right regarding the embeded coding aspect the power point issues

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