YouTube Widget - Get More YouTube Subscribers
09 november 2012 

YouTube Widget - Get More YouTube Subscribers

Placing a YouTube widget on your website can increase your amount of subscribers drastically .

So here a short blog post to show you how you can generate your own personal YouTube widget for more subscribers.

Any video-maker can embed this YouTube widget on his or her website or blog.

It lets people subscribe to your YouTube channel with a single click, without having to leave your site to log into YouTube or to confirm their subscription. The entire process happens in the widget.

Give it a try! All you need to do is embed the code below into the source code of your website or blog, in the same way you embed a YouTube video, when using WordPress like me 🙂 just post the code into a text widget:

Just fill in your username where it says: “add YouTube Username here” and you can conveniently adjust the height and width if you please.

For example, here it is for the Magic Media Force channel:

Feel free to try if it works 😉

About the author
Rebekka Deforce is the owner of Working over 18 years in the audiovisual sector and developed a great passion for internet marketing, she now helps on- and offline businesses to get magnificent conversion results through video marketing and social media marketing. She also loves to help people with the technical aspect of the video production process.
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