Video Marketing is totally in! Smart entrepreneurs are making videos for their web shops or blogs or having their own video shows on YouTube.
You can see those videos appearing everywhere and it will happen even more in the future.
How do you anticipate competitors making valuable, interesting or funny viral videos?
The big advantages of video marketing
- Video marketing is very personal, people can see you, your business and your services. You can build up a bond with your audience which are your possible costumers. It creates more trust towards you and people can decide faster if you are the person they want to do business with or buy stuff from.
- Video can be fast, that is if it’s you explaining something in front of the camera. you can record a little movie, run it through your editing software or load it directly up in YouTube. You can clip the start and the end directly in the YouTube editor. All this can be done within 15 minutes or even faster. You can’t write an article in this short amount of time.
- Through video marketing you make yourself more findable. YouTube results are showing op in the top of Google’s search results, so when using the right keywords in your YouTube title and description, you have more chance to be number one in Google than you have writing articles.
- People actually hear what you have to say, clicking play on a video happens faster than reading a complete article. More chance to bring your message across and to make your message viral.
Ways for using video marketing
There are different ways of applying video marketing, you will have to see which one suites you best and fits your company’s style.
- Use video to bring valuable information to your viewers. The easiest and fastest way of doing video marketing is to put yourself in front of the camera, saying your thing, give a theory, advice or some handy tips. No fancy editing needed, this doesn’t has to be professional video. A cheap HD camera on a tripod or even your camera placed on a shelve will do.
- Use video to show your company. In these kind of videos you want to show your audience around your company or services. These videos will need some f
ancier camera work and some video editing. You can still make it yourself, but start with a complete script and plan before you get to the filming. If you are not familiar with filming and video editing, I would definitely outsource it to a professional. If your video looks crappy, your company will look crappy.
- Product videos. In a product video you take a closer look to your products or services. Show what kind of products you offer and how they will benefit the costumer. Another great way of making product videos are product reviews. Compare one product to another and show what they are good for.
- Use video as testimonials. Having your costumers testifying on video how great you product is, is a very powerful selling tool. These testimonials take away all distrust people have about written testimonials, you can’t fake somebody else in front of the camera.
- There is another very effective way to take the most out of video marketing and that is making some kind of show. By producing a show in episodes, you can really bond your audience to you and make them coming back for more. For this one certainly a good concept is needed and regular updates of new episodes. When doing this right, it will boost your sales like never seen before.
More video marketing tips
- Always post your video’s in YouTube
- Embed your YouTube video into your website or blog
- Use the AIDA formula in your videos
- Read this post to boost you YouTube marketing results
- Use enough light when filming, nobody likes to look at a dark screen
- Make sure the audio is loud enough, talk loud and clear and/or pull up the sound levels in your editing program.
I hope you will find these video marketing tips useful and I hope they will encourage you to start making your own videos.
I also hear people say: But hey, we ain’t seeing you in a lot of videos! That’s the truth. It’s also very scary for me to step out of my comfort zone and get in front of the camera. It feels so safe writing articles in front of my desktop 🙂
As I not only want to talk the talk but also walk the walk, I make my promise to you today to start also posting videos on a regular base.
So definitely come back soon to check that out! 😉
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on 14 Mar 2012Koen
on 14 Mar 2012Rebekka Deforce
on 14 Mar 2012