How To Make Amazing YouTube Videos For Your Company

How To Make Amazing YouTube Videos For Your Company

As you all know, I’m a big fan of YouTube marketing, not only for small organizations, in fact, everybody can benefit from it when applied in a successful way. Along with powerful words, a business’s web page can be significantly improved by using this extremely effective method. Unfortunately, many companies are not even using this fantastic marketing device. Because they are not aware of the possibilities? Or because they don’t know where to start?

But this article is actually for the online organization that wants to make not just videos, but excellent videos, videos that will generate results and will lead to increasing sales. And seriously, as many of you who have seen YouTube videos before already know, it is not hard to make a better than average production 😉

I don’t want this post to be an in-depth video/editing/special effects/production article. Rather, I want small company owners to realize that one does not need a huge marketing funds to generate quality videos. Just by including a few simple elements into your videos, your organization will stand out from the crowd and you are certainly going to be pleased with the results. how to make amazing youtube videos for your business

I think that in order for a small company film to be effective, it should be:

  • Highly Educational/Informative
  • Sincere/Authentic
  • Fun

Most of the online company videos I’ve seen on YouTube are done really very poorly. Most of them are quite robotic, boring and not even very clear on their information. And although I am also guilty for making my share of tedious videos, I do always make the effort to ad value, be honest, and put some fun elements in.

The fact is that with determination and practice, you will soon be making fantastic videos and your organization and brand will greatly benefit because of it.

This being said, here are 6 tips I recommend you to apply to produce more effective videos. As you read about these methods, think about how you could start to make a similar production for your organization and your products. And ask yourself: Is this film educational? Does the person on screen come across as sincere? And was it fun to watch this or was I almost falling asleep?


Have you ever seen the film Mission Impossible? Dirty Dancing? How about Easy Rider? (Yes, I haven’t been to the movies in ages) But seriously, when you think of those films, what moments come to your head? Chances are that the scenes you most remember are the ones where strong music played a major role.

Songs have a very intense impact on emotions, on the speed and feeling of any video production, whether it is a 10 minute YouTube movie or a Hollywood blockbuster hit.

Start with a Preview

Also a very effective method is to start with a brief preview of the scenes the audience is going to see. This strategy is excellent to “hook” your viewers and does a very efficient job in providing your audience just enough visible information to want to stick around to find out how everything will unfold.

Website Information

Although most companies will put their information in the end, I always recommend to put your brand name and site name at the start. Why? Because just about everyone that hits play will get through the first 20 seconds, but many will not make it to the end. Preferably you can refer to the website throughout the video.

Use Humor

Obviously, humor can be an excellent way to lighten up the atmosphere of a movie and may lead to your video going viral. For companies it is a very good idea to put a little humor in every video if possible.

Involve Customers

Social proof is a crucial factor of any effective marketing strategy, which is why companies should bring in clients, especially satisfied clients, whenever possible in their videos.

Integrate Stills and Slow Motions

As music does an excellent job modifying the pace of a film, so do still photos and slow motion shots. They will keep your video interesting to watch by bringing more variety and a richer experience for the viewer.

So here are 6 methods I highly recommend for you to apply into your next YouTube video.
But before I close, I want to remind you that by no means do your video productions have to be perfect. Actually, YouTube visitors have come to expect imperfection. It almost adds a feeling of authenticity. So no need to get caught up in too many details, just set the objective on raising your standards gradually.

More tips for for better video productions? I’d always love to here your ideas.

Rebekka Deforce



About the author
Rebekka Deforce is the owner of Working over 18 years in the audiovisual sector and developed a great passion for internet marketing, she now helps on- and offline businesses to get magnificent conversion results through video marketing and social media marketing. She also loves to help people with the technical aspect of the video production process.
Michiel van Nessen

Michiel van Nessen

on 07 May 2012

Thanks Rebekka for the information (TIPS!) given! I surely will be using them as soon as I'm on fire at YouTubeing :-) Michiel

Rebekka Deforce

Rebekka Deforce

on 07 May 2012

I'm looking forward to seeing your videos Michiel ;)

Sean A. Taylor

Sean A. Taylor

on 08 May 2012

Thanks for the all the Tips! Hopfully I can upload my work this week if time is available (after I finish my clients work) in the production Lab.

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