10 Hard Video Marketing Facts

Video marketing contributes to brand awareness, increases the time visitors spend on a website and directly and indirectly leads to higher conversion.

Video content also contributes more to the total (SEO) value of your website. Still many companies are reluctant to invest in video and video marketing.

They will be missing the train…

Video Marketing Facts:

  1. Video marketing attracts a large audience.
  2. Video marketing helps establish credibility and trustworthiness.
  3. Video marketing allows you to get your point across, in any fashion you’d like.
  4. Video marketing helps educate consumers on your company, employees, services and products.
  5. Video is shared fast on social media platforms and viral video marketing will create awareness and generate a substantial amount of traffic.
  6. Almost all American big companies said they would drastically increase investments in communication through video, so said The Social Media Examiner. The market is growing explosively.
  7. After the Google Panda update, websites with lots of video content were assigned higher positions.
  8. Various heat maps show that videos appearing in Google search results, virtually draw all traffic towards themselves.
  9. YouTube stays the second largest search engine on the web, surpassing Yahoo (!) Improvements in YouTube analytics indicates that Google finds video more and more important.
  10. Video is personal and gives a viewer more insight in the human side of a company.

Not only companies with a fun product benefit from video marketing. Especially for companies that deliver a product or service that is not so fun in the eyes of the consumer, video provides a way out. Through a humorous, playful or likeable way of conveying information, you show that you invest in your customers.

Video is not just something individuals are passively watching. It’s something people are sharing with each other.

Yahoo is embedding video in its SERPs, Google has been doing it for years with the universal search results often showing video thumbnails on the first page of the SERPs, and lately Gmail has a feature that allows users to view YouTube videos in their email messages.

Video content is king! And if you can believe me 😉 it will be for the next couple of years.